How To Train Your Dragon 2 is the sequel to the How to Train Your Dragon film adaption. It is currently scheduled to be released June 13, 2014 and features the returning cast of the first film with Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, TJ Miller, and Kristen Wiig reprising their roles. Gerard Butler was not initially included in the first announcements but has since been confirmed to be returning to the sequel as confirmed by Dean Deblois, co-writer and co-director of the first film.
The sequel's initial details were announced in October 2010, along with the tentative year of release. DeBlois is returning for the sequel but will take on sole writing and directing duties. Chris Sanders will serve as executive producer. The animated series aired August 7th 2012 building-up towardsDragon 2's release.
DeBlois has stated that the sequel will expand the current world of How To Train Your Dragon and will not be restricted to the island of Berk. Dragon 2 is apparently designed to be the 2nd chapter of a much greater story that takes the characters to new places and cultures, introducing new characters and dragon species in the process. He says this could potentially lead onto a 3rd film or further. Bonnie Arnold, who's returning as a producer for the film, states that the new adventure will show Hiccup on his journey of becoming a man and the leader of the Viking clan.
At 2013's CinemaCon event in April, DreamWorks premiered a teaser trailer for the film. In it, Hiccup is now 20 and more mature, also his appearance has changed and now sporting a new suit of flying leathers to accompany Toothless in flight. The trailer shows such a flight before the pair skydive through the air. Hiccup then activates his own leather wings to glide with Toothless, similar to how a flying squirrel moves through the air. Though the trailers has not been shown to the public, some still images of Hiccup and Toothless' new, aged designs have surfaced onto the internet.
Five years after the the Vikings of Berk have made peace with the dragons, dragon riders participate in a race. Stoick notices his son Hiccup's absence. Hiccup is on adventures with his dragon Toothless, as they discover uncharted lands and new territories. Hiccup reveals to his girlfriend Astrid that he has been avoiding his father, who intends to make Hiccup the Chief of Berk due to his coming of age, which Hiccup is reluctant to accept. During one of their adventures, Hiccup and Toothless are mapping the known world around Berk. They meet a dragon hunter named Eret who has been capturing Dragons for an insane conqueror called Drago Bludvist, whose goal is to take control of the dragons and then the world. Eventually,Hiccup and his friends come across an ice cave that serves as a haven for the dragons where Hiccup meets his long-lost mother, Valka. They learn in the cave that the dragons answer to an Alpha dragon called a Bewilderbeast, who can control all dragons and has the ability to shoot ice instead of fire.
Stoick tracks Hiccup to this cave where he discovers that his wife is still alive, and after they rekindle their love, they decide to return to Berk. Drago has also tracked them to the island and unveils his secret weapon--another Bewilderbeast, which is the same breed as the Alpha, but both bigger and stronger. Eret betrays Drago and joins forces with the riders, before a titanic battle ensues and the two Bewilderbeasts face off, during Drago's Bewilderbeast defeats the Alpha, thereby ending the fight by becoming the new Alpha and taking control over all the dragons, including Toothless, who has now been hypnotized by the Alpha and will not respond to Hiccup's command. Drago gives the order for the Alpha to kill Hiccup, and it decides to send Toothless. Drago leaves Hiccup to his fate as he prepares his now larger army for the invasion of Berk.
Even Stormfly, Hookfang, Meatlug, Barf and Belch, Cloudjumper, Grump and Skullcrusher succumb to the Alpha and joined Drago's army. Stoick and Valka sees Hiccup in trouble and rushes to rescue him. Toothless prepares to fire a fatal plasma blast at Hiccup while the latter tries to smack the former out of its trance but fails. Toothless fires the shot, but Stoick pushes Hiccup out of the way and is shot himself. Valka and the other dragon riders rush over to Hiccup and Stoick, and Valka solemnly announces that Stoick has been killed.
Toothless snaps out of his trance and realizes that he had committed a great sin, and attempts to help Stoick but is chased away by an enraged Hiccup. Toothless is then under the Alpha's control again and Drago rides Toothless to lead the final invasion of Berk. Hiccup, Valka and the dragon riders hold a cremation ceremony for Stoick. Hiccup, now filled with vengeance and regret at the loss of his father and capture of his dragon respectively, decides that they will fly back to Berk and defeat Drago once and for all.
The dragons on Berk start to behave weirdly just as Drago and his Bewilderbeast arrive. Drago promptly announces that Stoick is dead and his Bewilderbeast freezes Berk. The dragon riders ride the baby dragons back to Berk as Hiccup learns from Valka earlier on that the baby dragons are not affected by the Bewilderbeast's control as they listen to nobody.
Hiccup and the dragon riders return to find Berk completely frozen just as Drago's Bewilderbeast begins its attack on the village. Valka, Gobber, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Eret work together to distract the Alpha while a vengeful Hiccup confronts Drago and a brainwashed Toothless. Drago is surprised to see Hiccup still alive and orders Toothless to shoot Hiccup again, promising that he will not miss this time. Hiccup attempts to snap Toothless out of its trance and is succeeding, much to Drago's surprise, who immediately orders his Bewilderbeast to try and regain control of Toothless. However, Hiccup eventually gets through to Toothless who frees himself from the Bewilderbeast's control.
Drago falls onto his Bewilderbeast while Hiccup manages to get onto Toothless and fly him to safety before they crash into the ocean. After reaching the surface Hiccup apologizes to Toothless for driving him away because of something that wasn't his fault and Toothless forgives him. Hiccup decides to blindfold Toothless to prevent the Alpha from controlling him again and Toothless trusts Hiccup to be his eyes. Drago orders his Bewilderbeast to shoot Hiccup and Toothless once more, and successfully freezes the both of them in a big blast of ice, seemingly killing them.
As Valka and the villagers of Berk grief over their apparent death, Toothless, now glowing with plasma charge, blows the ice up, revealing that he and Hiccup are safe. Toothless, now with enhanced fire powers, challenges the Alpha Bewilderbeast. All the dragons, including those enslaved by Drago, are touched by the bond Hiccup and Toothless shared and freed themselves from the Bewilderbeast's control, joining the people of Berk in a final standoff against Drago and his dragon.
Enraged, Drago has his Bewilderbeast to destroy everything, but Toothless and all the other dragons retaliate by firing at the Bewilderbeast simultaneously, severely injuring the latter and causing it to lose its left horn in the process while Drago's mechanical arm is also destroyed. Defeated, Drago and his Bewilderbeast retreat into the ocean as the villagers celebrate their victory and Toothless is crowned the new Alpha of the dragons, gaining the respect of all the dragons, including Cloudjumper.
Hiccup looks over the horizon in remembrance of Stoick and decides to carry on his father's legacy. He is officially appointed chief by Gothi the Elder and Gobber proclaims that the chief has finally come home as the villagers cheer. Astrid, happy that Hiccup has finally found what he was searching for, kisses him. Eret jokingly teases that Hiccup would make a great dragon-knapper and Hiccup sees that his father's dragon Skullcrusher now needs a new rider and thus allows Eret to successfully bond with it. As Hiccup does the closing narration, Berk is being rebuilt with a statue of Stoick erected in his honor while Hiccup, Toothless, Eret and Skullcrusher join the others in a dragon racing match. The film ends with Hiccup proudly declaring that, while Drago may have armies and armadas, Berk has their dragons.
sumber: http://howtotrainyourdragon.wikia.com/
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